When you start looking for financing to buy a home, there’s one key mistake that many buyers make that you should try to avoid at all costs.
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When you talk to a lender for the first time, there’s a big mistake that many people make that you should try to avoid.
That mistake is signing up with the first lender you talk to.
Whenever you work with us, we like to recommend a lender and also that you get a second opinion. You’re not obligated to work with our preferred lenders; you can work with whoever you want.
However, we really want to make sure you know not to just stick with the first lender you talk with, just like you wouldn’t work with the first doctor that told you that you need knee surgery. You’d get a second or third opinion.
You wouldn’t work with the first doctor that said you need knee surgery, would you?
We also see buyers work with a lender who gives them a good interest rate, but we’ll recommend they speak with one of our lenders who can actually beat that interest rate. You always want to explore your options.
Getting a better rate will save you a lot of money in the end, so always be conscious of it. Our rule of thumb is to work with the best of two or three lenders that you speak with.
If you need a recommendation for a great mortgage lender or you’re thinking of selling your house, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. I’m always happy to help.