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The Key to Avoiding a Real Estate Disaster in Tucson

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There is one main question you should ask your agent before hiring them: “Are you a full-time agent?” You need to find whether they just do real estate as a hobby or as a part-time job. If that’s the case, you probably shouldn’t hire them.

Most deals that fall through do so during the inspection process. If you have an agent who is only part-time and has only done a few transactions, you increase the chances that the deal will fall through. You need a savvy agent with a lot of experience in order to ensure the deal goes smoothly.

A part-time agent is only going to be available part of the time. If a buyer calls to check out your house, but your agent isn’t available to take the call, the buyer will move on to the next home. You need an agent whose highest priority is real estate so that they’re always available to assist you.

Here at Emprea Real Estate, we are full-time agents. We don’t hire anyone part-time because we want to ensure a professional experience for our clients. Selling a property can be very stressful, so we want to help take the stress off our clients as much as possible! On our team, there is always someone available to answer your call!

If you have any questions about the real estates process, or if you need real estate assistance of any kind, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to hear from you!

What Determines Your Buying Power in Tucson?

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As a buyer in the Tucson housing market, there are a few things to keep in mind when considering your buying power. Check out these four important factors below!
  • Your credit score is the most basic way for a lender to know where you stand financially. This also accounts for your ability to pay back each loan every month.

  • Your initial down payment is important. The more money you’re able to offer upfront, the more purchasing power you have.

  • Next, there’s always the debt-to-income ratio to keep in mind. Although you might have a steady income, any remaining debt can decrease your purchasing power.

  • Lenders want to be reassured a buyer has the assets to pay back loans. This can include money coming in the future, such as rent from tenants, or any investments.

If you’re thinking about buying or selling in the surrounding area, give me a call or email! I’d be happy to answer any questions you have.