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What Determines Your Buying Power in Tucson?

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As a buyer in the Tucson housing market, there are a few things to keep in mind when considering your buying power. Check out these four important factors below!
  • Your credit score is the most basic way for a lender to know where you stand financially. This also accounts for your ability to pay back each loan every month.

  • Your initial down payment is important. The more money you’re able to offer upfront, the more purchasing power you have.

  • Next, there’s always the debt-to-income ratio to keep in mind. Although you might have a steady income, any remaining debt can decrease your purchasing power.

  • Lenders want to be reassured a buyer has the assets to pay back loans. This can include money coming in the future, such as rent from tenants, or any investments.

If you’re thinking about buying or selling in the surrounding area, give me a call or email! I’d be happy to answer any questions you have.

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